Shoots or in Java language called "Rebung" is young bamboo shoots that grow from the roots of bamboo with soft texture. Shoots are most often made into vegetable cuisine, either stir-fried or cooked with coconut milk. Usually only shoots with age less then 2 months that can be cooked, unless the texture will be quite hard to eat.
In one cup of shoots slices averagely contain 14 calories, one third of fat, and 1,2 gr fiber (equal to half a portion of red rice). Human body needs fiber to expedite digestion system in order to prevent any of Cardiovascular disease at the end. Fiber inhibit fat absorption in intestine which will finally reduce the cholesterol and LDL level in blood stream, then lower the risk of having hypertension and coronary heart disease. Shoots also contains 640 mg potassium which is 50% more than potassium in banana. Potassium is a mineral with a function of moving the muscle, keeping the blood pressure normal, and maintaining the liquid balance in the body. A Simple physical sign of the lack of potassium in our body is muscle and joint pain. Shoots is also enriched with other mineral such as : Calcium, manganese, zinc, chromium, and iron, Vitamin A, B6, and E, 17 amino acids that form protein. Due to those substance, Shoots also behave as a antioxidant and free radical arrester.
How to cook Shoots and fix its aroma ?
Shoots special character is having stinky aroma (like urine), and it will get worse after you stew them. To avoid that unpleasant smell, shoots must be washed up with clean flowing water before you heat them up. Cut its hard root, stew in boiling water, drain and stew or boil it again with coconut water until the texture getting soft. Drain it again, and keep it in a closed container in a refrigerator. The coconut water is important to prepare shoots before cooking, to reduce the acid/stinky smell and give a good savory taste at the end.Nevertheless, still not many Indonesian chef can prepare and cook Shoots very nicely without any smell at all. But anyway, Shoots has become one of the best traditional food's ingredient,called "LUMPIA" originated from Semarang - Central Java. I'm crazy about Lumpia (not fried is better to avoid excessive triglycerides) . We can choose whether we want it to be fried or not. The best brand of Lumpia for me is Lumpia Gang Lombok. So if you have opportunity to visit Semarang, eating Lumpia Gang Lombok is a mandatory. It also the most expensive Lumpia in Indonesia, and perhaps world wide.
Thus, who said that the patient of IDCM/DCM/CHF/Diabetic cannot have a delicious and healthy food ?
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