Kingdom : Plantae
Division : Angiosperms
Class : Magnoliids
Order : Piperales
Family : Piperaceae
Genus : Piper
Species : Piper Ornatum
Red Betel (RB) has been used for centuries ago by the native tribes in Java Island. Not only for medicine but also in the traditional ceremony in several areas in Indonesia. People call it "Uborampe". Some traditional women used it as the natural cosmetics.
Anti-Septic Substance
At 600BC, RB was first found in India, Ceylon, and Malaysia, and being used to neutralize bad body smell, sprue, nosebleed, scab, and ulceration. It contains anti-septic substance that could kill bacteria easily. Phenol substance in it, is 5 times more effective than artificial phenol. Even in Chinese pharmacology, RB is recognized as a plant that has a warm and spicy characteristic.
Chemical Substance
Flavonoid, Poly-phenol, Alkaloid, Tannin, essence oil, Saphonine, Hydroxycaficol, Caficol, Cavibetol, Allyprokatekol, Carvocrol, Eugenol, Pecymene, Cineole, Coryophelen, Cadimen, Extragol, Terpenana, and Phenilpropoda. (Please refer to dictionary to the correct spell of each ingredient)
Benefit and Property of RB
- Flavonoid and Poly-phenol act as anti-oxidant, anti-diabetic, cancer suppressor, anti-septic, and anti-inflammatory.
- The alkaloid substance also inhibit the growth of cancer cell.
- In a research, it has been proven that routine consumption of RB's stewed water which is given to a diabetic white mouse can lower its blood-sugar level and maintain the appropriate level in long term.
- Other condition that can be treat with RB are : Hypertension, Hepatitis A, Prostate inflammation, ophthalmic (red eye) , cervical cancer, artery coroner, Tuberculosis, kidney disease, arthritis, and hemorrhoids.
- Arecoline is all over it too. and it functions as stimulate the center nerves system, brain activity, and peristaltic movement, including suppress the snore when we sleep. Eugenol in RB leaves could kill Candida Albicans Fungi, and has the analgesic characteristic. And don't forget the tannin, could protect your digestive system and lever, from bad bacterial.
- Rinse out your mouth with RB's stewed water, and you will have your mouth clean from most of bad bacteria. Thanks to Carvacol substance as a disinfectant and anti fungi.
- Milky disease could also cured by RB's leaves. Even the success rate is higher than placebo, due to research in one of trusted institution in Indonesia.
Traditional Herb of RB
- Stewing RB Leaves. Take 3-5 fresh leaves from the 4-5 months age of plant. Wash them with water, stew with 2 glass of water with small fire, until 1 glass of stewed water remains. Drink it after getting cool, 1 hour before meal time 3 x per day. If you can't stand the bitter taste, u can add some honey in it. Do it continuously at least within a month to see the progress.
- Some people use RB's leaves as a mix substance with a tea. Find some old leaves of RB, wash and slice them into small pieces, dry it into the sunlight. After totally dried, crush it and mix with green tea and dried jasmine. Put it into a tea bag, then brew it as an afternoon tea for you and your family.
How to cultivate
RB has a high economical value, because 4-5 leaves have an average price around US$ 1. Some consider it as endangered species nowadays. RB usually prefers a shady place with no direct sunlight exposure. It only need 60-75% sunlight and cool environment. It doesn't need intense watery since will cause the root from being rotten. The main natural enemies of RB are snail, mouse, and ant. Also never use pesticide, because the leaves will become human consumption as a remedy. And please use clean water to the plant.

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