Sunday, August 25, 2013

Adiponectin as one form of Amino Acids - For better Metabolism

Amino Acids (AA) is the oldest signature of   the existence of the first living creature on earth.  Some other people even believe that AA will not only find on earth but also in other planets that contain living tissue.  So AA are biologically vital organics compounds created from carboxylic acid (-COOH) and amine (-NH2), together with the side-chain unique to each AA.  Until now, there are more than 450 amino acids be named and recognized in many ways.  As proteins, Amino Acids cover the second major component in human cells, muscles, and other tissues. Outside proteins, amino acids conduct a critical function in process such as neurotransmitter system and bio-synthesis.(source : wikipedia/amino acids)


is a 244-Amino-Acid-long polypeptide.  So Adiponectin is also one of AA family.  It is a protein hormone that modulates a number of metabolic process, including glucose regulation and fatty acid oxidation.  Adiponectin is exclusively secreted from adipose tissue (and also from the placenta in pregnancy) into the blood stream and is very abundant in plasma relative to many hormones.  Levels of the hormone are inversely correlated with body fat percentage in adults, while the association in infants and young children is less clear.  Transgenic mice with increased adiponectin show impaired adipocyte differentiation and increased energy expenditure associated with protein uncoupling.   The hormone plays a role in the suppression of the metabolic derangement that may result in type 2 Diabetes, obesity, atherosclerosis, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), and an independent risk factor for metabolic syndrome.  Adiponectin in combination with leptin has been shown to completely reverse insulin resistance in mice. I admit  that i kind of rewrite all of the above paragraph from wikipedia, because it is all important and summarized already, but finally just to underline the key connection between this AA with Diabetics type-2, in order to make things clearer for you.

Not only for diabetic especially, High-molecular-weight adiponectin was further found to be associated positively with coronary artery disease.  Adiponectin also exerts some of its weight reduction effects via the brain. With Leptin, the combination of complementary action of them can have a good synergistic effects.

Adiponectin effects

  1. Glucose flux : the decreased of gluconeogenesis and the increased of glucose uptake (as an energy)
  2. Lipid Catabolism : for Beta-Oxidation and Triglyceride clearance
  3. Protection from endothelial dysfunction (important facet of atherosclerotic formation).
  4. Gain more insulin sensitivity. 
  5. Weight loss (obesity is associated with the decreased of adiponectin)
  6. Control of energy metabolism
  7. up-regulation of uncoupled proteins.


A low level adiponectin is also an independent risk factor for developing :
  1. Metabolic syndrome
  2. Diabetes 
  Food with adiponectin : Fish, Egg, Fruit, Grains, Nuts, Green Veg.

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