Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Trypanosoma Cruzi - Parasite of Chagas Disease

Hi there.  It has been a year since my physic & mind were down again due to my deteriorated heart failure.  I could not even think clearly or even sit down for several hours to write something as usual.  Now, i will try to add my short posts by all means...

Trypanosoma cruzi as a Protozoa, is an organism that have single nucleus, which rises to one mitochondrial DNA.  It reproduce asexually using binary fission.   In particular stage, T.cruzi lives in blood and tissue of vertebrate, which become the next stage while they live in invertebrate vectors as the temporary host. Triatoma infectans, as TC's vectors, carry the parasite before humans, even have a nick name of "Kiss of Death" (Chagas Disease) and very famous in South America.  

In the infectious stage, the parasite will enter the wounded skin that possibly caused by bite wound or scratched skin abrasion.T.cruzi will transmute in its lifecycle after it resides in human from insect. The common forms are trypomastigote, amastigote, sluggish trypomastigote, and epimastigote, which will target their attack into human immune system at the first place. Tryps are 20 micron long and 3 micron wide, and will continue attacking neuron and muscles tissue.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Triangular Breathing Technique - To gain more oxygen in your blood

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Low Blood Pressure - also becomes the sign of cardiac abnormalities

Hypotension or Low Blood Pressure is a condition when the blood pressure becomes lower than normal value of 120/80 mmHg.  Most of the heart disease patients usually connect their problem with hypertension condition and just neglect the possibility of having hypotension as one of symptoms in the other hand.  I have Ischemic Dilated Cardiomyopathy and I also have problem with hypotension and not hypertension. Thus, what cause the hypotension ?

Sunday, October 6, 2013

The story of human heart - it is simply the best.

Once upon a time, in the era of dungeon and dragons, when wonders slides between might and magic, there was King Erathryan, father of all human kingdom.  With a burning sword and beastial shield he always won every epic battle with the inhuman dark forces. A true leader with passions to uphold the honor of every living human on earth, he became a living legend among his friends and allies, and gain a great respect from his enemies and villains.

As time goes by, he realizes that age was the only battle he couldn't win. He's getting old now.  One will die, and a thousand will rise up, he starts to think to prepare his only son Prince Lothares.  Like his father, Prince Lothares is a very strong front line General.  Leading an army beast cavalary group he always successfully plundered every enemy wall and defense, left them opened wide to be crushed by the main force of his father’s army. 

Friday, October 4, 2013

Sleep Apnea - is it a symptom or an aggravating factor for cardiovascular disease ?

Obstructive Sleep Apnea

Snoring has been considered as a common effect of deep sleeping by most of people who snore.  Maybe not so many of them realize that snoring has two different side of sharped blade at the end. First, snoring has become an indicator about your bad health situation, secondly, snoring has been one major factor of high divorce number in many countries.  For example, in Saudi Arabia, nearly 40%  of divorce caused by snoring husbands, meanwhile the international rate is 18 - 22%.

As a negative signal to your health condition, snoring which usually comes side by side with Sleep Apnea is divided into 3 types:
  1. Central Sleep Apnea (CSA) - 0.4% of cases
  2. Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) - 84% of cases
  3. Complex or Mixed SA - 15% of cases.